Cryotherapy & weight loss

Boost your metabolism with cryostimulation

As the buzz continues to grow around cryotherapy, you may have heard about its benefits to phisical recovery and mental well-being. But what you might not know is that cryotherapy can help boost your metabolism and thereby play a role in weight loss. Continue reading for some facts and benefits of using this method for weight loss, and let us help you decide whether this natural treatment is the right one for you.

Effective fat burning

When the body is exposed to extreme cold temperatures it increases the body’s metabolic rate to produce heat and helps burn from 500-800 Kcal per session. When coupled with physical activity, these numbers increase exponentially. After multiple sessions, the accelerated metabolic effects last longer, resulting in a los of 200-300 calories per day, burning 2 lbs of body fat per month. In fact, regular use of a cryotherapy will elevate and maintain a higher basal metabolic rate. This is solely results from whole body cryotherapy – you will experience even more if you couple it with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Get more endorphines!

A local cryotherapy helps restore proper body fat distribution and enables caloric deficit, which leads to a reduction in fat. Another benefit is the fact that cryo treatment helps improve blood circulation and increases muscle tone, resulting in a passive weight loss. It helps release endorphins that ultimately helps boost one’s mood and sharpen cognitive abilities.

Sleep well & be relax

Cryotherapy helps create extra oxygen in your bloodstream, which helps your body and brain to relax and have better night sleep. A night sleep that influences your weight loss. With stabilized sleeping patterns you’ll achive a faster weight loss and feel reenerginzed to follow through your loss routine.

It is clear to see the many benefits of a cryotherapy treatment for weight loss. When combined with a steady workout plan and a balanced diet, it can help you burn extra calories in just a single 3-minute session.